FEATURED ON ESA WEBSITE – Seven ways to use a CubeSat swarm

Earlier this year, European Space Agency (ESA) asked for innovative ideas for new mission concepts enabled by CubeSat swarms. The open call for ideas was run by the Preparation element of ESA’s Basic Activities through the Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP). The call was answered no less than 61 times. Seven ideas were selected based on an evaluation by a panel of ESA experts, who scored the ideas on their novelty, technological feasibility, and the relevant experience of the submission team.

Sirin Orbital Systems AG is thrilled to have been selected in this campaign with its 16U4SBSP mission concept, “a CubeSat swarm beaming down solar power”; a project developed in cooperation with TU Delft in the Netherlands and the University of Strathclyde in Scotland.

Read full article on ESA website:

16U4SBSP project webpage on ESA platform:

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