Thanks to Science & Technology Office Tokyo at the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan, Swissnex published a detailed account of our recent networking workshop on Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP), which was organized on 30 November 2023 in the Residence of the Swiss Embassy in Tokyo. The event aimed to showcase activities by Japan and Europe in the field of SBSP which has recently gained worldwide attention as a potential new source of renewable energy.

Swissnex is an initiative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation and is part of the Confederation’s network abroad managed by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The activities of Swissnex are based on a collaborative approach, relying on public and private partnerships and funding.

Read full article on Swissnex:


This is an enormous pleasure to announce the official release of our new edited book today, 18.12.2023: Artificial Intelligence for Space: AI4SPACE. https://www.routledge.com/9781032430898

In an intercontinental project led by Sirin Orbital Systems AG, distinguished contributors from European Space Agency – ESA, JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, XPRIZE, ACES Worldwide – Alliance for Collaboration in the Exploration of Space, AIKO, Western Sydney University, The University of Electro-Communications, Università di Pisa, Okayama University, CINECA, Sapienza Università di Roma, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, KU Leuven, Meiji University, Ruhr University Bochum, NAVAL GROUP, University of Colorado Boulder, created a unique book to enrich the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across the value chain in the space-related domains.

Read more about the project:


The development of water / metal-powder micro-propulsion system – a project initiated and led by Sirin Orbital Systems AG – was featured on the website of Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). The technology is currently being de-risked with the support of the European Space Agency (ESA).

Read full article on the ZHAW website:

INTERNATIONAL — Japan & Switzerland SBSP/WPT Workshop (II)

In cooperation with the Kyoto University, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan Space Systems (Jspacesystems), Sirin Orbital Systems AG organized the second edition of the Japan-Swiss Workshop on Space-based Solar Power (SBSP) and Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) technologies. This in-person event was held at the Kyoto University Tokyo Office on the 30th of November 2023. The speakers were affiliated with Kyoto University, Jspacesystems, Agile Energy X, ISAS/JAXA, Toyo University, Tokyo University, Hosei University and European Space Agency (ESA).

An evening reception and networking event was followed by the workshop and it was hosted at the Residence of the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan, organized by the Science and Technology Office Tokyo at Embassy of Switzerland in Japan. A full report on the evening reception is available on Swissnex platform: https://swissnex.org/news/space-based-solar-power-workshop-towards-a-sustainable-energy-future

External link – Kyoto University:

Relevant post regarding Swissnex workshop:

Read more about our precedent workshop on Swissnex – Japan & Switzerland SBSP/WPT Workshop (I):

FEATURED ON ESA WEBSITE – Seven ways to use a CubeSat swarm

Earlier this year, European Space Agency (ESA) asked for innovative ideas for new mission concepts enabled by CubeSat swarms. The open call for ideas was run by the Preparation element of ESA’s Basic Activities through the Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP). The call was answered no less than 61 times. Seven ideas were selected based on an evaluation by a panel of ESA experts, who scored the ideas on their novelty, technological feasibility, and the relevant experience of the submission team.

Sirin Orbital Systems AG is thrilled to have been selected in this campaign with its 16U4SBSP mission concept, “a CubeSat swarm beaming down solar power”; a project developed in cooperation with TU Delft in the Netherlands and the University of Strathclyde in Scotland.

Read full article on ESA website:

16U4SBSP project webpage on ESA platform:

See related post:


Sirin Orbital Systems AG filed a patent application for an “AI-based vision system for autonomous navigation to space targets”, an invention generally applicable to the field of visual servoing systems for On-Orbit Services (OOS) such as Active Debris Removal (ADR) missions. The intended smart camera uses at an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to provide target position and orientation information for autonomous navigation to this target in space. This invention is the outcome of an ESA-funded Study in cooperation with the Competence Centre Intelligent Sensors and Networks at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU).

A follow-on Early Technology Development activity for prototyping and technology readiness enhancement is envisaged.

Patent Priority Date: 05.10.2023
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI), Bern

WINNING ESA CAMPAIGN — “Innovative Mission Concepts Enabled by Swarms of CubeSats”

Sirin Orbital Systems AG wins the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Contract in the “Innovative Mission Concepts Enabled by Swarms of CubeSats” campaign. For this competitive campaign, 74 European entities or individuals generated 74 ideas, 61 of which were carefully evaluated by ESA experts and 13 ideas were chosen for a full proposal phase, after a thorough evaluation. 5 to 7 contracts were awarded at the end.

The “Innovative Mission Concepts Enabled by Swarms of CubeSats” campaign seeks to explore new possibilities in space exploration and Earth observation by leveraging the power of CubeSat Swarms to enable unprecedented scientific and technological advancements.

Sirin Orbital Systems AG and its two Subcontractors, TU Delft in the Netherlands and University of Strathclyde in Scotland, proposed a novel mission concept entitled, “Swarms of CubeSats for kW-scale Space-Based Solar Power (16U4SBSP)“.

The mission concept “16U4SBSP” intends to demonstrate the use of a Swarm of 16U CubeSats for the realization of Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP). The intended mission can supply wireless electricity for space-to-space commercial applications or for space-to-ground purposes. In the proposed demonstration mission, a swarm of CubeSats collaboratively supply a kW-scale power to clients and end-users in different locations, e.g. in-orbit power supply to data-centres or other in-orbit modules with auxiliary power requirements or remote/strategic areas on Earth’s surface. This mission concept is a fundamental technology demonstration step for the realization of GW-scale SBSP, aimed to provide clean and limitless energy from space through wireless power transmission toward the middle of the 21st century. Nonetheless, the original GW-scale SBSP requires large-scale transportation and robotics for the construction of km-scale infrastructure in space, whereas the proposed 16U4SBSP mission can be realized cheaper, faster and easier in a shorter term.

ESA Campaign webpage:
Innovative Mission Concepts Enabled by Swarms of CubeSats

FEATURED ON LE TEMPS— Swiss French-language daily Newspaper

In an article entitled, “Course lancée pour les ressources lunaires“, Sirin Orbital Systems AG‘s technology developments in support of sustainable Lunar exploration was mentioned in the Swiss French-language daily newspaper, Le Temps. Supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), Sirin Orbital Systems AG has been actively leading innovative technology developments including “water storage systems for lunar life support”, “wireless power transfer systems for electrification of lunar robotics and autonomous systems”, and lately “air purification systems for astronautics life support”.

Read full article on Le Temps:


Sirin Orbital Systems AG is proud to announce that an outstanding book project entitled, “Artificial Intelligence for Space: Trends, Applications, and Perspectives” (ISBN 9781032430898) is successfully completed and is in the production phase. Led by experts at Sirin AI R&D Centre, this project is the outcome of a fruitful international cooperation, gathering expert opinions on the subject, from world-class scholars, researchers and entrepreneurs affiliated with distinguished entities comprising European Space Agency (ESA), Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS, JAXA), University of Colorado, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, Alliance for Collaboration in the Exploration of Space, University of North Carolina, KU Leuven, University of Pisa, Naval Group Belgium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Cineca, Western Sydney UniversitySapienza University of RomeAIKO S.r.l. and XPRIZE Foundation.

Aimed at space engineers, risk analysts, policy makers, technical experts and non-specialists, this book demonstrates insights into the implementation of AI in the space sector, alongside its limitations and use-case examples. It covers diverse AI-related topics applicable to space technologies or space big data such as AI-based technologies for improving Earth Observation big data, AI for space robotics exploration, AI for astrophysics, AI for emerging in-orbit servicing market, and AI for space tourism safety improvement.

“This book embarks on a journey through the fascinating realm of AI in space, exploring its profound implications, emerging trends, and transformative potential.”

Prof. Dr. Oliver Ullrich
Director UZH Space Hub, University of Zurich

This edited book will be published by CRC Press: Taylor & Francis in December 2023.

・Book website:
Artificial Intelligence for Space: AI4SPACE Trends, Applications, and Perspectives